Tuesday, April 30, 2013

19B - To Give or Not - A Begging Issue

Begging in India is rampant. This is a known fact, this is also a business for some people. I sometimes feel it is so big that it has to be given an industry status. Yeah the Begging Industry .

One Company of this industry does operate in the T.nagar bus terminus. A bunch of 4 to 5 women with little children are the CXOs of this company. Their labourers are some less than 5 year olds, I sometimes wonder whether these are their own real kids or were they borrowed or stolen from some places. I also wonder if some people rent their kids to these beggars to beg.

One does wonder why should these people give birth to kids whom they cannot take care of, on the other hand it maybe a rampant industry practice to give birth to kids so they can be used as catalysts for begging.

This group must be aged around 35 or so, with very good hands and legs and can do labour work sits idle or sometimes carries the kids around and begs. They also have a chit that says please help us we are affected by Bhuj earthquake . I can only smile on reading this, I was in school when the quake happened and if still these people are suffering , then no wonder they don;t do any work.

The poor kids go around buses, telling people they are hungry and ask for money. I am not sure why the authorities of the stand do not do anything, the bus drivers and conductors do not encourage this. One day the bus started leaving the stand when a kid was still inside and he shouted "anna anna". The driver give a sound trashing to the kid before he let him go out. It was the most unpleasant sight one had to watch in the morning before going to work.

Are they really weak - No they can work, their mothers or so called mothers are physically well fit
Are they their own kids - I doubt, were they kids that were kidnapped from somewhere else? Where is the father? No male is seen around these women.
What are the authorities doing? - Are they getting a share of the loot (yes I call it a loot as it doesn't seem right)

With these hard pressed questions it is difficult for one to give the poor kids any alms. Most likely it is going in to wrong hands and one is only encouraging the practice.

PS: Having said all this, Begging is present all over the world and I have seen beggars in every country. Only difference with India is that its population is huge so the number of beggars are huge. If one takes percentage of total population to that of total beggars it may be mor eor less comparable to other countries.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

DD Days : A journey back to DoorDarshan

It was quite amazing feeling to be able to talk about a particular program on TV the next day at school knowing exactly that every other person in the class would have watched it. It was not the over hyped IPL match or the recent block buster movie but the daily soap operas and weekly movies on the TV. Yes I am talking on those days where Chitrahaar and Rangoli were the only hindi song programs and Oliyum Oliyum was the only tamil song program for an entire week. Imagine hardly 1.5 hours of filmi music for a whole week!

It might be hard to believe for kids and teens of today but those were the days of doordarshan. The music of Pandit Ravi Shankar on Band-1 Channel-4, Band-3 Channel-7 were like a grand opening to our evenings. One channel one program, all viewers were the mantra those days and the emptiness on the streets were proof of the fact that everyone watched it whether they like it or not. There were no fights for remotes, in fact I hardly remember a remote :)

There were no malls to hangout and no pepsi/coke products to drink and most televisions were black and white. Life was simple too and TV watching did not complicate it. There were only a very few peeks available to the world outside one's own. There was the DiDi's comedy show and the World This Week which showed glimpses of Western world. Disney cartoons were shown for an hour every week.

This is a series, rather a nostalgic trip to those programs that marked our days in Black and White .

Monday, April 8, 2013

19B: It is a matter of "change"

On any of the MTC bus you travel in Chennai , change is evident. By change I do not mean the change that Obama meant, it is the change for the currency or the exact bus fare. Conductors are always on the lookout for change, one can evidently see that they are well trained to first look for exact fare from the passenger and only if he/she does not have it they give it.

Fair enough. One can see boards inside the bus and maybe in major bus stands also asking and announcing passengers to tender exact fare. Though reasonable it is not practical. One usually sees that both the conductor and passenger understands the nuances and share the change :)

However sometimes things go out of control, there are the usual response , medium response and big response from conductor.

The usual response is when the conductor says you have to bring change and if  everyone shows me a 100 rupee note how can I give change to everyone and reluctantly gives it or asks for other denominations to match it.

Medium response is when he shouts on top of his voice same as above and is adamant in getting the change or gives the ticket to the person at last after he gets some change. Once it was ridiculous that one of the conductors asked an American lady for change and said "Daily you come by this bus you have to bring change" in a rude voice, the same dialogue which he repeats to all fellow passengers. One for a fact I hardly saw the lady before and it is not easy to spot a white lady in a MTC bus and secondly it was bad advertisement for the country to treat a foreigner like that. I am sure she never would board an MTC bus again.

Big response is when he asks one to get down and stop the bus.

If things go bad one can complain at mtc_edp@dataone.in

However on the flip side of the coin one has to see that it is reasonable for the passenger to carry sufficient or decent change. The conductor usually does not demand all change from you but if you have alternatives he should be happy, except in cases where he is already in a bad mood. One tip would be that if you already know the fare provide some change already, like if ticket is say 45 rupees, you can provide a 100 rupee note with 5 rupee. Mostly the conductor is happy to see the 5 rupee.

In case one needs bigger change for say 500, it is better to let the conductor settle down after issuing tickets or while one is getting down to get a change rather than asking for change when conductor is busy issuing tickets.

A little bit of understanding always helps in a smooth ride and a fresh start to the day.
Well on retrospect, it is true for any relationship too.