Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dear IT Fresher: Chapter - 1 : Introduction

Congratulations on making it to the IT industry. Well not everyone makes it atleast that's what any company you join would make you believe. Your first day might be same as the scene in "3 Idiots" movie where the principal shows hundreds of applications rejected. The only difference would be you would be in a cozy auditorium with some middle or senior management HR guy telling you that you are one in a million to have made it to the company.

Well the reality always lies somewhere between the truth and false. Any case you can give yourself a pat in the back for making it to the IT industry. It may be you dream industry or your dream salary or dream company but hold on do some reality checks before you build castles in air.

It is not that difficult to get in to an IT company especially with large companies recruiting 20 to 30 thousand an year. Companies have become so desperate that they have reduced the strictness on joining criteria. I know of a company that once recruited freshers without even interviewing them, just based on a written test people were recruited. Companies that said only engineers would be recruited lowered their guard and started taking some science students. I sometimes felt some companies would hang board saying "Trespassers would be Recruited".

However the point is not to demean your achievement but to say that there are lots and lots of crowd at the same level as you are and joining companies as you are. Hence you have to think what makes you special.

NASSCOM says only 25% of IT graduates are employable. The question you have to ask yourself is am I within this 25% or not. This book is not to make you enter the 25% or an attempt to increase this to more than 25% . This book is only a reality check irrespective of where you belong.

All IT companies have trainings for freshers be it a large company or small be it a formal training or not. So one does not need to worry if he/she is employable but how soon one can become employable. The question one has to ask is how soon can I contribute to my own development as well as my company's.

The first thing to do is "Be Aware".

Being aware of many things would help you in making the right contributions at the right time and having right expectations in reaping rewards for your work.

The things will change as time progresses and hence one must always be aware of the following things

First thing to be aware is the size of your company.

Large Companies: The ones that have lakhs of employees world wide. Have multiple development centres(DC) world wide.

Medium Companies: Have Maximum around Ten thousand employees and have few development centres
Small companies: Have very few hundreds of employees and have only one or two DCs

It is easy to find this information from internet.
The size of your DC also matters.
There is a simple technique to identify this. Just think of your visibility to senior management. If your boss's boss doesn't know you even after working in the project for a few months. Chances are it is a large company. If there is decent visibility it is a medium company and high visibility like center head knowing you by name it is small company.

The growth of the company and your own growth also matters but it is necessary to be aware of this information.

Next is industry and market condition.

There are two things here, one is what the media says and other is what situation the company is in. If there is a recession, slowdown etc the chances are you will know it well before the media does. Just look for signs such as salary hike, promotions, new projects won, recruiting pattern of the company etc . These would indicate to you what situation the market and company are in.
As a fresher you may not have access to all this information but keep your eyes and ears open and there is nothing wrong in having a chit chat with some senior folks on understanding the situation.

Third is project situation . This we will deal in later chapters in detail.

Start your ground work on knowing your working conditions and environment and as you grow in the organization, keep your eyes and ears open. Be aware so you can be prepared.

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